I am not a warrior, but have a fearless heart.
I am not a prophet, but see a bright future.
I am not a saint, but I desire peace and simplicity.
I shine brightest when it's dark.
I can dance and move gracefully with the wind, but I am not mobile.
You can see me, but can't touch me.
You can feel my presence, but choose to look the other way.
I am always with you; yet you fear me.
I am heard only in the quiet stillness between breaths.
People try to tame me, but I won't be contained.
Fear attempts to extinguish me, but I will never go out.
You can blunt me with sharpened words and knives, but I will never be dulled.
For I am the light - a beacon of hope and symbol of love.
(c) Allison Jurgens 2023