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Sweat Therapy

Sweating is hands down the best way to rid the body of toxins. After an intense day of skiing, hiking or exercising, nothing helps you recover faster than time in an infrared sauna or steam chamber. The heat helps to relax the muscles while gently coaxing out acid, pathogens and other toxins. Additionally, steam and sauna treatments have been shown to improve sleep, mood and immune system performance.

Benefits of high-heat sweat therapy:

  • Improves circulation & blood pressure

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Relieves pain, stiffness and sore muscles

  • Supports lung health by breaking up mucus & phlegm

  • Calms the autonomic nervous system for deep relaxation

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Sweat Therapy - Book Appointments Online

  • Detox and recover with this form of sweat therapy that supports cellular and tissue repair

    30 min

    45 US dollars
  • 30 minutes in our private steam chamber will help improve circulation, respiration & lymph drainage

    30 min

    45 US dollars

What to Expect During Your Visit ...

Stepping into our treatment room, you'll be immersed into an atmosphere of relaxation. Soothing music, dim lighting and heat make a lovely combination for stress relief and recovery.  You can add on aromatherapy or sound healing to your treatment for an even more delightful 30 minutes of bliss.

Best Practices:

  • Arrive 10 minutes prior to your treatment.

  • Read the liability waiver and inform your therapist if you have any contraindications.

  • Bring a change of clothes for after your treatment.

  • Drink plenty of water with electrolytes before, during and after your treatment.

  • Must wear undergarments or a swimsuit at all times during the treatment.

  • All metal objects must be removed (jewelry, watches, underwire bras, etc, prior to entry into the steam chamber or the sauna blanket.

  • Inform your therapist if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Relax. This is the ideal time to meditate!

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For Kapha Accumulation

Kapha accumulation expresses as excess mucus and phlegm; a heavy, dull feeling; lack of motivation or a struggle to get projects started; a down or depressed mood; a white or thick coating on the tongue; clammy, sweaty hands & feet; and an inability to lose weight. Ama, toxicity, dampens digestive fire and slows down metabolism while creating the perfect moist environment for fungus and bad bacteria to thrive.


If you are experiencing these symptoms, we would recommend 7-10 sessions of infrared sauna over 3-4 weeks to slowly build your tolerance to the heat. The infrared light will gently penetrate the tissues and break up the phlegm and mucus while improving lymph circulation and draining. This slower process will ensure the toxins can exit the body without increasing inflammation and cortisol.

Vata accumulation shows up as anxiety; insomnia; inconsistent digestion; lack of appetite; constipation; dry skin, hair & nails; forgetfulness; arthritic conditions; shiny object syndrome; cold extremities; and a general feeling of overwhelm. There is a frenetic energy that accompanies a vata imbalance that often leads to a tired but wired feeling of dread, fear and worry.

For folks with these symptoms, we highly recommend twice weekly steam treatments that can help calm the nervous system while hydrating the skin and sinus passages. The steam chamber will improve the symptoms of dryness while providing a dedicated time and space for grounding. The ultimate stress relief package would be to do you steam treatment before or after a yoga class.

For Vata Accumulation

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For Pitta Accumulation

An accumulation of Pitta often shows up as inflammation; an overheated feeling; anger, irritability, jealousy or rage; skin rashes or acne; acid reflux; diarrhea; voracious appetite; impatience; a burning sensation; sharp tongue; a yellowish, green discoloration on the tongue; and hyper-competitiveness. Pitta accumulation often leads to a 'blow up' of emotions, hunger, elimination, etc. It is explosive in nature as the fire element burns out of control.

If you are struggling with these symptoms, we would want to discuss your treatment to better support the optimal healing outcome. More heat may prove to be too challenging for the body, and we would want to use this form of treatment sparingly.

Ascending Spirit, LLC

Cooper Creek Square

37 Cooper Creek Way, Suite 212

Winter Park, CO 80482


Hours of Operation 

Store Hours:  Mon - Sun 10 am - 6 pm

Studio Hours: Wed - Sun 7:45 - 10 am; 5- 7 pm

Treatments: Wed - Sun 10 am - 4:30 pm

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